Sara’s Crafting and Stamping Studio

Stampin’ Up! Independent Demonstrator

Month: December 2012

Here are the articles on Month: December 2012

December thank yous

December thank yous

Still waiting to see my little nephew IRL but I got a pic of him sent through to me yesterday Thanks for your messages of congratulations. Back now to the crafty news ... and I'm sharing my December thank you's a little early for a change. Instead of a thank you...

I’m an auntie!

I’m an auntie!

Yes, I'm an auntie for the first time. I have a little nephew, George Edward who was born at 10:35 this morning, weighing 11lbs 1oz! Ouch! My Mum had asked me to make a small batch of birth announcement cards ready and as this is such a special occasion and as my Mum...

December’s team training

December’s team training

I'm just back from today's team training and had a wonderful afternoon with the team again (those members that could make it - hope that some of the overs get better soon - we've got some illness in the team at the moment). We had a little sneak peek of the new year...

Tip – removing the film from your paper trimmer

Tip – removing the film from your paper trimmer

Woohoo - I got my new paper trimmer today and I love it. The cutting blade only needs a light touch, the scoring blade quite a bit more pressure (I'm going to check if there's a better way to use that). The grid on the trimmer is at 0.5cm spacing but there's also...

A handy stocking filler

A handy stocking filler

Today's share isn't something that I made but a gift that one of my lovely ladies made for me a month or so ago. A little sticky note holder that velcro's shut. I've found it so handy to have in my bag that I thought I'd share it here, as an idea for a Christmas...

Convention Memento Mall goodies

Each year at Convention there is a "Memento Mall" (hubby got mixed up and christened it Souvenir Sidewalk ). This is a special temporary store of SU! branded goodies that changes with each Convention. I think they make a good job of having a mix of things that can be...

Semi-circle bow from catty back page

Semi-circle bow from catty back page

There's such a beautiful selection of bows on the back of the Autumn/Winter catty that I thought I'd have a go at one I haven't tried before. I picked this one: And this is my take on it: Two strips of Be of Good Cheer DSP (126896) were trimmed to a banner at one end...

Frosted snowflake Christmas tag

Frosted snowflake Christmas tag

I'm starting work now on my gift wrapping and the Two Tags Bigz die helps create classy tags really quickly. With the range of SU! colours available, it's easy to match your tags to shop bought gift wrap. The smaller of the Two Tags (115954) was die cut from Whisper...